Plate Bearing Test
Plate Bearing test (Plate load testing)
We are able to undertake a Plate bearing test in compliance with Eurocode 7 and BS1377: Part 9:1990.
A plate bearing test (or plate load) is an in-situ test performed on soil to determine its likely settlement under a specific pressure. A typical application for a test is for temporary erection of a crane, piling rig or working platform. It can also enable calculation of an equivalent CBR value if the material under test is too granular (for example a subbase material) for a standard CBR test to be completed.

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Plate bearing test method
The plate bearing test is completed by pushing a steel plate of a set diameter against the material to be tested. This is generally achieved using a hydraulic cylinder kit varying from 0-60 tonnes capacity with in-line gauge. Sufficient reaction weight must be used, for example a heavy (14-ton) excavator is ideal. The weight of the excavator will depend on the design load required and the size of bearing plate in use.
Settlement of the bearing plate is then measured at set increments. By measuring the load/area and plotting the pressure against ground settlement the load bearing capacity can be calculated.
If an equivalent CBR value is required readings are taken at 5 increments between 0 and 1.5mm and then plotted against the load achieved. This value can be calculated to a 1.25mm displacement by using the modulus of subgrade reaction via a mathematical formula. Displacement is measured using highly accurate digital gauges.
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